Half-Year Check-In: How I’m Cultivating Focus
In the past month, I’ve said “no” to two really big opportunities. Ones that 10 years ago, I would have given anything for. Ones that many people would think I’m nuts for turning down.
May/June Reading: Book Reviews
May and June were completely nutty for me and by mid-June I was feeling a very similar burnout to the one that often hits around the holidays (only, quite possibly, worse this time). But I escaped with some good books…
Life Lately: Recapping May
And…we’re halfway through 2019. May felt especially busy this year, and I’ve heard that it’s like that for lots of families with all kinds of activities kicking up. So much so that it’s been dubbed “May-cember.” It’s like December without the Christmas trees and Santa.
Around Charleston: The Champagne Society
Calling all Charleston-based moms! I know you need a night out and an excuse to get all dressed up. Join me at The Champagne Society event on June 27.
Recent Snapshots: Disney Vacation
After a brutal winter of stress and work nuttery, we decided to do a last minute(ish) trip to Disney.
7 Years of Running
There’s an old wives’ tale out there that says your body’s cells renew themselves every seven years. You shed the old and become something new.
2019: First Quarter Check-In
It’s nearly impossible to believe that it’s already April. I have no idea how that happened. It was just Christmas, and of course, Christmas is also just around the corner. Because time flies - this is well established.
March Reading: Book Reviews
I’ve been making a conscious effort to get off my screens and into the pages (real, paper pages) of books this year. Each month I’m picking several books to read (numbers may vary).
Sunday Shopping: Miami, Miami, You've Got Style
A friend of mine recently snagged some pretty sweet Golden Girls artwork. And I admit, I’m jealous.
Weekly Recap: I Need a Treadmill (2/18-2/24)
I need a treadmill, you guys. Actually, I need two treadmills. Stay with me here. I’m serious.
What's Your (Enneagram) Type?
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I started my college career as a psychology major. During my first semester I somehow decided to completely pivot my life plans (what can you expect of a barely 18-year-old?) and changed my major to music (vocal performance/musical theatre).
Weekly Recap: The Nuttery is in Full Swing (2/11-2/17)
If 2019 was off to a bit of a slow start (and I’m not even so sure about that - it may have just been me), February has gone completely crazy behind the wheel. AndI’m pretty sure it’s left me stranded on the side of the road wondering what the heck happened. At least that’s how I’m feeling right now.
The List - Winter 2019: Sunshine and Rainbows
Winter is dreary, you guys. Even here in the sunny, coastal South, the skies are little more grey and the sun is a little less warm.
Weekly Recap: Say "Hi" to Willow Rose (2/4-2/10)
We are officially those crazy people who drive hundreds of miles to adopt a dog. This past weekend, we made a 36 hour (total) journey to and from Wilmington, Delaware to adopt a sweet, senior beagle girl named Willow Rose.
Sunday 7: Things I Love
Happy Sunday! We had a whirlwind of a weekend over there. In less than 24 hours, we made a 10 hour trek (one way) to Wilmington, Delaware and then back to Charleston, SC.
Weekly Recap: Enjoying the Journey (1/28-2/3)
I’m training for absolutely nothing right now. Nothing. I have no set schedule (other than one that’s self-imposed), I have no idea when my next race will be, and I’m not exactly sure where I’m going. And I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Beagle It (just a little bit…)
Can I get an “aarrrooooo"? Where are all my beagle peeps? I know you recognize that sound.
It’s no secret around here (or to anyone who knows me) that I have a beagle obsession. I want to rescue them all.
Hello, 2019!
Whew! It took me a while to get here.
After a full December of holiday celebrations, reflections, planning, loss, wallowing in nostalgia, and the last week of the year spent in Pennsylvania accomplishing absolutely nothing (except time with family and friends), I finally started to feel ready to dust myself off and head into this new year.
This Year, Next Year: 2018/2019 Edition
Wow. 2018 was hard, you guys. And it flew by. I can’t believe I’m writing another This Year, Next Year post already.
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Warmest Christmas and holiday wishes from my family to yours!