Hello, Melbourne
Well, it seems fitting that since I posted a Farewell, Charleston post, I should follow it up with a Hello, Melbourne one, yes? Right? Right.
Farewell, Charleston
An ode to the beautiful, charming city I’ve called home for the past 10 years…
2020: Year in Review
2020, man. It was a rough one.
On a macro level, it felt nearly impossible and entirely unbelievable that what was happening was actually reality.
On a personal level, while dealing with the intense mental load of 2020, I still managed to pull off one of my most personally successful years yet.
Happy Otterdays!
Well, we made it. It’s the last few weeks of a beyond crazy year, and I’m officially on vacation from work for the next two weeks. And I can definitely use the break. I plan to spend it painting, crafting, and baking cookies.
One More Trip Around the Sun (and art!)
I’m not entirely sure how an entire year has passed since my last birthday (because it feels like it’s still March 2020), but here we are.
Moving During a Pandemic - We’re Finally in the New House
Filed Under: things I would not recommend. We’re finally in our new house and we managed to do it with barely any contact with the outside world.
Sit Down with the Pandemic Productivity Nonsense
There are a few things I didn’t anticipate for the first quarter of 2020. Like a Global Pandemic. And still not being moved into our new house. And my dog dying. And for those reasons, I’m totally fine with not doing all the things and with adjusting my 2020 goals in the midst of this mess.
Kits to Keep Kids Entertained During These Crazy Times
Well, friends, these are some strange times. I’ve been stuck at home 24/7 with my kindergartner, thrown into the deep end of homeschooling while also working full-time.
In Times Like These...
Welp. It’s safe to say this is not how I anticipated the first few months of this new year and new decade unfolding. These times are uncertain and scary, and I feel a heavy emotional load right now.
Life Lately: Kicking off 2020
And just like that, it’s February already. I know lots of people tend to think January lasts for 4 months, but for me, it flew by. And if that’s any indication of how fast the rest of the year is going to go…yikes!
Whatever Comes Next
Happy new year and happy new decade!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but I thought I’d come back to recap (briefly) the decade that was and to say, “hey, I’m on a brief blogging break.” While I love this space, right now I feel like I need a hiatus to focus on other things, and to rethink the focus here.
Half-Year Check-In: How I’m Cultivating Focus
In the past month, I’ve said “no” to two really big opportunities. Ones that 10 years ago, I would have given anything for. Ones that many people would think I’m nuts for turning down.
Life Lately: Recapping May
And…we’re halfway through 2019. May felt especially busy this year, and I’ve heard that it’s like that for lots of families with all kinds of activities kicking up. So much so that it’s been dubbed “May-cember.” It’s like December without the Christmas trees and Santa.
What's Your (Enneagram) Type?
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I started my college career as a psychology major. During my first semester I somehow decided to completely pivot my life plans (what can you expect of a barely 18-year-old?) and changed my major to music (vocal performance/musical theatre).
Sunday 7: Things I Love
Happy Sunday! We had a whirlwind of a weekend over there. In less than 24 hours, we made a 10 hour trek (one way) to Wilmington, Delaware and then back to Charleston, SC.
Weekly Recap: Enjoying the Journey (1/28-2/3)
I’m training for absolutely nothing right now. Nothing. I have no set schedule (other than one that’s self-imposed), I have no idea when my next race will be, and I’m not exactly sure where I’m going. And I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Hello, 2019!
Whew! It took me a while to get here.
After a full December of holiday celebrations, reflections, planning, loss, wallowing in nostalgia, and the last week of the year spent in Pennsylvania accomplishing absolutely nothing (except time with family and friends), I finally started to feel ready to dust myself off and head into this new year.
This Year, Next Year: 2018/2019 Edition
Wow. 2018 was hard, you guys. And it flew by. I can’t believe I’m writing another This Year, Next Year post already.
Have a Holly Jolly Christmas!
Warmest Christmas and holiday wishes from my family to yours!
The End of an Era
Sitting here, on the precipice of 2019 and looking back on the past several years, I’m feeling like it’s the end not only of a year, but of an era.