Hello, Melbourne
Well, it seems fitting that since I posted a Farewell, Charleston post, I should follow it up with a Hello, Melbourne one, yes? Right? Right.
Farewell, Charleston
An ode to the beautiful, charming city I’ve called home for the past 10 years…
Life Lately: Kicking off 2020
And just like that, it’s February already. I know lots of people tend to think January lasts for 4 months, but for me, it flew by. And if that’s any indication of how fast the rest of the year is going to go…yikes!
Recent Snapshots: OBX Vacation 2019
We headed to the Outer Banks for the second year in a row this year, and it was another year of friends, adventure, and relaxing.
Life Lately: Recapping May
And…we’re halfway through 2019. May felt especially busy this year, and I’ve heard that it’s like that for lots of families with all kinds of activities kicking up. So much so that it’s been dubbed “May-cember.” It’s like December without the Christmas trees and Santa.
Recent Snapshots: Disney Vacation
After a brutal winter of stress and work nuttery, we decided to do a last minute(ish) trip to Disney.
Recent Snapshots: Orlando/Disney Getaway Fall 2018
Okay, I admit it. I love Disney. As much as I’ve previously thought it was ridiculous for adults to love Disney, I’m now one of them. And after our recent hurricane evacuation to Orlando/Disney, I think I figured out why (in a rather well, duh moment).
Recent Snapshots: OBX Vacation 2018
Beach vacations are kind of like camp for grown-ups. Bonfires, arts and crafts, outdoor activities...pretty much the perfect vacation if you ask me.
Recent Snapshots: Lancaster PA Vacation Summer 2018
I'm trying to stay more timely with my posts around here, so here's one from our recent (really, only a few weeks ago) trip home to Lancaster, Pa.
Not-so-recent Snapshots: Lancaster, PA Vacation (2017)
Yes, I'm almost a year behind in posting this, but our next Lancaster vacation is coming up soon, so I thought it would be a good time to post last year's.
Bahamas Vacation Snapshots
It's been two months since we were in the Bahamas and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures.