Beagle It (just a little bit…)

Can I get an “aarrrooooo"? Where are all my beagle peeps? I know you recognize that sound.

It’s no secret around here (or to anyone who knows me) that I have a beagle obsession. I want to rescue them all. Over the past decade and a half, I’ve had the distinct privilege and honor to have 4 beautiful beagles in my life (with another one on the way - stay tuned for more!). Someday I’ll have a non-profit rescue home for old or hard-to-adopt beagles. Until then, I’ll have to cope with just a few beagles in my life. And by creating beagle art.

One thing I’m working on in 2019 developing a habit of daily sketching (and a weekly habit of actually making/crafting something), even if the sketch is quick and messy (like the ones below). I’m also hatching some jewelry ideas. My 4-year-old son loves necklaces and I love that he loves necklaces, so I’ve been getting a lot of ideas for kids jewelry lately. And since we’re all beagle people around here, he requested a beagle necklace. So cute (both him and the beagle necklace).

Beagle necklace idea 1

Beagle necklace idea 1

Beagle necklace idea 2 inspired by a beach photo of Lucy Belle

Beagle necklace idea 2 inspired by a beach photo of Lucy Belle

A painting I did of Lucy Belle printed on a mug

A painting I did of Lucy Belle printed on a mug

Abstract beagle - just messing around with materials

Abstract beagle - just messing around with materials

User experience designer by day. Runner, blogger, artist, wanderluster by evening and weekend.

Weekly Recap: Enjoying the Journey (1/28-2/3)


Hello, 2019!