The List - Winter 2019: Sunshine and Rainbows

My favorite block of colorful houses - Rainbow Row in Charleston, SC

My favorite block of colorful houses - Rainbow Row in Charleston, SC

Winter is dreary, you guys. Even here in the sunny, coastal South, the skies are little more grey and the sun is a little less warm.

In keeping with my goals for 2019 of more art and more family, I subscribed my son to both Koala Crate and We Craft Box. For the month of January, the theme was rainbows for both of these crates. And he learned about rainbows in school and came home with rainbow drawings.

I’m not sure if this was all coincidence, but these people are onto something. During this grey(er) time of year, when the days are shorter and there’s a bit less color all around us, it’s the perfect time for collecting and making all the rainbow (and sunshine-y) things. So, I rounded up some of my favorites.
