Weekly Recap: I Need a Treadmill (2/18-2/24)
I need a treadmill, you guys. Actually, I need two treadmills. Stay with me here. I’m serious.
Weekly Recap: The Nuttery is in Full Swing (2/11-2/17)
If 2019 was off to a bit of a slow start (and I’m not even so sure about that - it may have just been me), February has gone completely crazy behind the wheel. AndI’m pretty sure it’s left me stranded on the side of the road wondering what the heck happened. At least that’s how I’m feeling right now.
The List - Winter 2019: Sunshine and Rainbows
Winter is dreary, you guys. Even here in the sunny, coastal South, the skies are little more grey and the sun is a little less warm.
Weekly Recap: Say "Hi" to Willow Rose (2/4-2/10)
We are officially those crazy people who drive hundreds of miles to adopt a dog. This past weekend, we made a 36 hour (total) journey to and from Wilmington, Delaware to adopt a sweet, senior beagle girl named Willow Rose.
Weekly Recap: Enjoying the Journey (1/28-2/3)
I’m training for absolutely nothing right now. Nothing. I have no set schedule (other than one that’s self-imposed), I have no idea when my next race will be, and I’m not exactly sure where I’m going. And I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Training Recap: Wilmington Historic Half Marathon
Well, here we are. Training is finished and the race is a few days away. Like every training cycle, things didn’t go according to plan. However, I got through the training - actual training, not some slog trying to masquerade as training. That’s a first in several years. And that alone is an accomplishment and something to celebrate.
Pivot, Pivot, Pivot
It’s been a crazy few weeks around here. Life, running, dog stuff. And I’m tired. And I need to pivot (and please tell me someone other than me got the Friends reference in the title here).
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 7 (10/22-10/28)
We finally saw some fall weather here in the swampy south. Temps actually dipped into the 50s (lows, highs still in the 70s), so I ended up with some decent runs (finally!).
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 6 (10/15-10/21)
Sigh. Fall nuttery is in full swing over here. As much as I love this time of year, it’s also so busy.
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 5 (10/8-10/14)
So, last week wasn’t my most stellar week, and I’m a bit late to the weekly recap party. But I’m still moving along.
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 4 (10/1-10/7)
And with that, week four of fall training is complete. Like the gazillion weeks before it, this week was hot and humid, and running was tough.
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 3 (9/24-9/30)
I don’t even know what to say about this past week. I don’t know if it was allergies, current events, lack of sleep, or a combination of a bunch of things, but I felt awful last week.
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 2 (9/17-9/23)
Fall training may be under way, but it is definitely not feeling even remotely like fall.
Weekly Recap: Fall 2018 Half Marathon Training - Week 1 (9/10-9/16)
This past week, in what’s become an unfortunate annual fall tradition, we evacuated from a hurricane.
Weekly Recap: The In-between
That's a wrap on my lollygagging before leaping into fall training. Last week marked the end of rebuilding and the beginning of fall training. It was a weird week, though.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 23 (8/27-9/2)
So I went out three nights in a row this past week - nothing crazy, just out until about 10:30 and a glass or two of wine. And wow, did it wipe me out! A definite reminder that I am not 25 anymore.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 22 (8/20-8/26)
This week I took off from freelance work and the day job. I also apparently messed up last week's blog post in the process.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 21 (8/13-8/19)
Weeks like last week are exactly why I freelance and work remotely. Last Sunday, we packed up our stuff (and our dogs!) and headed home to Pennsylvania for two weeks.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 20 (8/6-8/12)
This week was one of those meh weeks. The ones between two slightly more exciting weeks, where I just got things done and got ready for the coming week.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 19 (7/30-8/5)
My birthday celebrations from last week continued this week, which was the week of my actual birthday.