Hello, Melbourne
Well, it seems fitting that since I posted a Farewell, Charleston post, I should follow it up with a Hello, Melbourne one, yes? Right? Right.
Life Lately: Kicking off 2020
And just like that, it’s February already. I know lots of people tend to think January lasts for 4 months, but for me, it flew by. And if that’s any indication of how fast the rest of the year is going to go…yikes!
Weekly Recap: I Need a Treadmill (2/18-2/24)
I need a treadmill, you guys. Actually, I need two treadmills. Stay with me here. I’m serious.
Recent Snapshots: OBX Vacation 2018
Beach vacations are kind of like camp for grown-ups. Bonfires, arts and crafts, outdoor activities...pretty much the perfect vacation if you ask me.
Healthy Summer: Activia Two-Week Challenge
It's no big secret around here that I've had some crazy health issues over the past few years.