2020: Year in Review
2020, man. It was a rough one.
On a macro level, it felt nearly impossible and entirely unbelievable that what was happening was actually reality.
On a personal level, while dealing with the intense mental load of 2020, I still managed to pull off one of my most personally successful years yet.
Moving During a Pandemic - We’re Finally in the New House
Filed Under: things I would not recommend. We’re finally in our new house and we managed to do it with barely any contact with the outside world.
Sit Down with the Pandemic Productivity Nonsense
There are a few things I didn’t anticipate for the first quarter of 2020. Like a Global Pandemic. And still not being moved into our new house. And my dog dying. And for those reasons, I’m totally fine with not doing all the things and with adjusting my 2020 goals in the midst of this mess.
Whatever Comes Next
Happy new year and happy new decade!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but I thought I’d come back to recap (briefly) the decade that was and to say, “hey, I’m on a brief blogging break.” While I love this space, right now I feel like I need a hiatus to focus on other things, and to rethink the focus here.
Half-Year Check-In: How I’m Cultivating Focus
In the past month, I’ve said “no” to two really big opportunities. Ones that 10 years ago, I would have given anything for. Ones that many people would think I’m nuts for turning down.
Life Lately: Recapping May
And…we’re halfway through 2019. May felt especially busy this year, and I’ve heard that it’s like that for lots of families with all kinds of activities kicking up. So much so that it’s been dubbed “May-cember.” It’s like December without the Christmas trees and Santa.
7 Years of Running
There’s an old wives’ tale out there that says your body’s cells renew themselves every seven years. You shed the old and become something new.
2019: First Quarter Check-In
It’s nearly impossible to believe that it’s already April. I have no idea how that happened. It was just Christmas, and of course, Christmas is also just around the corner. Because time flies - this is well established.
What's Your (Enneagram) Type?
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I started my college career as a psychology major. During my first semester I somehow decided to completely pivot my life plans (what can you expect of a barely 18-year-old?) and changed my major to music (vocal performance/musical theatre).