Holiday Snapshots
I thought I'd share a few pictures from my Christmas season, all of which were taken with my iPhone. Lazy, I know. But I have good reason. I spent most of my holiday season wrapping up grad school and preparing for and (successfully) defending my thesis, so we're lucky we even got a tree up this year let alone pretty pictures of it. And then after finishing school, I just wanted to relax, let my grad school-ravaged brain heal, and enjoy the time with friends and family. And it just felt like shoving a big, old DSLR in everyone's face would have sort of dampened the mood, mmmkay?
So, here they are: a sampling of my fantastic iPhone holiday photos, including snow-capped rooftops, festive windows, a bright Christmas tree, a bustling market, and a snowy road. Enjoy and happy holidays!
So, here they are: a sampling of my fantastic iPhone holiday photos, including snow-capped rooftops, festive windows, a bright Christmas tree, a bustling market, and a snowy road. Enjoy and happy holidays!