Recent Snapshots: OBX Vacation 2019
We headed to the Outer Banks for the second year in a row this year, and it was another year of friends, adventure, and relaxing.
Recent Snapshots: OBX Vacation 2018
Beach vacations are kind of like camp for grown-ups. Bonfires, arts and crafts, outdoor activities...pretty much the perfect vacation if you ask me.
Recent Snapshots: Lancaster PA Vacation Summer 2018
I'm trying to stay more timely with my posts around here, so here's one from our recent (really, only a few weeks ago) trip home to Lancaster, Pa.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 22 (8/20-8/26)
This week I took off from freelance work and the day job. I also apparently messed up last week's blog post in the process.
Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 21 (8/13-8/19)
Weeks like last week are exactly why I freelance and work remotely. Last Sunday, we packed up our stuff (and our dogs!) and headed home to Pennsylvania for two weeks.
Not-so-recent Snapshots: Lancaster, PA Vacation (2017)
Yes, I'm almost a year behind in posting this, but our next Lancaster vacation is coming up soon, so I thought it would be a good time to post last year's.
Bahamas Vacation Snapshots
It's been two months since we were in the Bahamas and I'm just now getting around to posting pictures.