Hello, 2019!
Whew! It took me a while to get here.
After a full December of holiday celebrations, reflections, planning, loss, wallowing in nostalgia, and the last week of the year spent in Pennsylvania accomplishing absolutely nothing (except time with family and friends), I finally started to feel ready to dust myself off and head into this new year.
August 2018 Running & Fitness Goals
So it's been a while since I wrote a goals post. And it's been an even longer while that I wrote a goals post with some serious training in mind. Years, probably. 2015 maybe?
2018: Mid-Year Review
So it's August (what? how???). I thought I'd post a mid-year review of how things are going over here in my little corner of the coast. I'm late, I realize this. It's August. And by August, it might as well be Christmas because these last few months of the year just fly by so fast.