Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 6 (4/30-5/6)
After two crazy weeks (one including travel to California), I managed to get myself back on the training track. I got in all of my workouts, including 4 runs, 2 strength, and a swim (yay, summer!).
It's so nice to finally be complaining about humidity instead of the freezing cold. I am definitely a summer person!
And in case you missed it, I posted a few times on the blog, too:
April Goals Recap
Bahamas Vacation Snapshots (finally, for those of you who have been waiting for pictures)
Workout Summary
Monday | Off |
Tuesday | Run: 5 miles @ 8:54 pace F45 strength |
Wednesday | Off |
Thursday | Run: 5 miles - speedwork, .1 fast/.4 recoveries F45 strength |
Friday | Swimming: 25 minutes | Saturday | Run: 3 miles @ 8:59 pace |
Sunday | Long run: 7 miles @ 9:06 pace Bike ride: 6 miles |
Totals |
4 runs/20 miles 2 strength 1 swim 1 bike Total workouts: 8 |
I think I was still in a bit of a daze from my trip and the timezone changes. Instead of pushing myself to do something on Monday, I took the day off from workouts.
I knew I needed to get myself back on my regular training schedule so I don't continue to derail, so even though I was tired and dragging, I hauled myself out for a 5 mile run. It was just an easy run, and I felt tired and my legs felt like lead the entire way. But I came in at an 8:54 pace, so if that's my "I feel like crap" pace, I suppose I'm improving. I'll take it where I can get it right now, that's for sure.
Love this run route!
In the evening, I went to F45. It's been a few weeks since I've been there and my body let me know it in no uncertain DOMS terms. But at least the DOMS were the good kind of DOMS where you know you got in a good workout instead of the "my whole body aches and I want to stay in bed" kind that I suffered from while sick.
I didn't plan or specifically want to take Wednesday as a rest day, but I couldn't get my schedule to work with a yoga class and SUP (paddle boarding) classes haven't started yet, so I didn't have a ton of options. I also didn't want to run because I felt like I should give my legs a break. So. No workout for me on Wednesday.
I had speedwork on my schedule per my coach. I'm terrible about speedwork. I always get it in my head that I can't do it, then I wimp out and avoid it. Part of that was because I've been sick and weak for so long that speedwork just sucked (not in the good way). Now that I'm feeling better, speedwork still sucks but not in the I might die because my body can't handle this. It's more like, I might die because I actually can push myself this hard.
Run views
Anyway, I did 5 miles and was supposed to do .1 fast (pace target of 6:45, which honestly frightened me after all this time) and .4 recoveries. My .1 splits ended up much better than I thought they would: 7:00, 6:36, 6:47, 7:14 (this slower one was on sand), 6:21, 6:43, 6:43, 7:05, 6:55. I also kept my recovery pace very steady between 9:30 and 9:45 (a few were a bit faster, one was slower).
Given that I was still dealing with some DOMS from Tuesday (ugh) and that it was 75 degrees, sunny and 100% humidity, I can't complain at all about this run. I was pretty close to my pace target for all of my splits except the one on sand.
And because I want the DOMS to stop, I went to F45 strength training again in the evening. Gotta get back in the habit.
I've declared Friday "Water Workout Day." This means I'll either swim or paddle board (or both) on Fridays while the weather is nice.
Since it's summer now here in Charleston (spring just went speeding on past us - maybe you've seen in it your part of the country?), I can get myself to our neighborhood pool and do some laps, which I'm sure will be entertaining for anyone watching because I really have no idea what I'm doing. I do know how to swim and I'm not doggy paddling or anything, but I've never done any kind of competitive swimming.
Paddleboarding classes start next week, so I'm hoping to get those going as well.
So, on Friday, I swam.
Water Day. It's a good thing.
I was a bit tired on Saturday since I wasn't used to all the intense workouts, but I got myself out for a recovery paced 3-miler, knowing I had my long run on the schedule the following day.
I wasn't sure what to expect from my long run on Sunday since it was 100% humidity and in the 70s, plus my legs were still a little tired from the week. But it ended up being a really good run!
My legs definitely felt a little tired, but not heavy and weak like they have in the past with illness. And my asthma was totally under control with no breathing difficulty despite the humidity. I ended up running my fastest 7-miler so far on this training reboot and in the hottest weather. Improvements!
The rest of Sunday was spent on a family bike ride (6 miles) and by the pool.
Someone was cold when he got out of the pool so he curled up in a baby ball and refused to move
How was your week? Has spring (or summer?) finally sprung where you live?
As always, I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap series.