Weekly Recap: Training Reboot Week 1 (3/26-4/1)

weekly recap march 26-april 1, 2018


Sometimes when you look at something with a new perspective, you see something you missed before.

(If you think this is going to be a profound post about life, stop now. It's not.)

But I did take a closer look at Google Maps and realized that my new running route connects to all kinds of places via one road I didn't realize was there. I hadn't looked far enough south on the map. I was busy looking at a certain area and trying to figure out the shortest way to get to the old running routes I ran from our old house (we only moved a few miles up the road, but it actually made a huge difference in my running routes). 

But finding that road opened up a whole bunch of new running views, some of which I enjoyed this week on my long run. 

As a whole, I made it through my first week of attempting to follow some kind of a training schedule in a long, long time, and it went pretty well! 

But before I talk about that, here's what you may have missed last week on the blog - My 5 Favorite Charleston Running Routes (if you're visiting Charleston, or live here, these are must-run routes).

Workout Summary

Monday Off
Tuesday Run - 5 miles (easy @ 8:56 pace)
F45 strength class
Wednesday 3 miles (easy 2 8:57 pace)
Thursday Run: 4 miles (easy @ 9:01 pace)
F45 strength class
Friday Off
Saturday Run: 3 miles (easy @ 9:10 pace)
Sunday Run: 7 miles (long run @ 9:21 pace)
Bike ride: 8 miles
Totals 5 runs/22 miles
2 strength


I took Monday as a rest day, even though I don't like to miss Monday workouts. It's just the way my schedule worked out last week, plus I had a sports massage scheduled and that took enough time out of my already packed day.


This was my first day of running a little longer during the week with a 5-mile run and I'm happy with how it went! In the evening, I headed to F45 for a strength workout.


After my double workout on Tuesday, I just did a short and easy 3 miler as recovery. A lot of times I try to do yoga on Wednesdays, but since I'm now focusing on running over other workouts and only had time for one that day, running won out. 


I was supposed to do speedwork on Thursday, but just couldn't get into it, so I ran easy and followed that up with a PM strength workout at F45.


Nada. Zilch. No workout. I was busy trying to wrap up work for the weekend and after upping my overall workout game over the week, I just needed the break. 


We had family in town for Easter weekend, so after my quick 3-miler in the morning, we headed over to the USS Yorktown at Patriot's Point. And did lots and lots of walking (and climbing up and down very steep steps).

The good news? Even with all of that walking, my back didn't bother me at all! A lot of times when I walk a lot, my lower back starts to ache, but I'm hoping the maintenance I've been putting in will help stop that. Seems like it at least worked this week.

USS Yorktown


I was anxious to head out for my run on Sunday because it was the first time I was running longer on my new run route. And it definitely didn't disappoint! This new route and all of its possibilities have me thinking a marathon may actually be in my not-so-distant future. Maybe early 2019? 

Saltwater views

The weather was so beautiful that we had to head back outside for a family bike ride in the late afternoon. We hooked up Meadow's old trailer to my bike and put one of our other dogs, Autumn, in it. Of all our dogs, she seems to be the one who would like it the most. It took about 7 miles of our 8 mile bike ride, but she finally laid down and relaxed. 

So how was your week? Did you get some more spring-like weather where you live? Did you have a good Easter?


As always, I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap series.

User experience designer by day. Runner, blogger, artist, wanderluster by evening and weekend.

April 2018 Fitness Goals


My 5 Favorite Charleston Running Routes