Weekly recap (1/2-1/8): Kicking off the new year

Alright, alright, alright. I think I'm finally ready to start 2017. After shaking off the pile of crap that landed on me in 2016, I've emerged ready to tackle this year. But I'm tackling it slowly. At least when it comes to getting my running legs back.

weekly recap january 2-8

Since it's going to take a bit of time for all of my iron and vitamin D supplements and allergy shots to really make a big difference, I decided to not train for anything through January. I'll just be running slow, easy, and short runs just to maintain a base.

Sadly, that means I'm missing the Charleston Half Marathon this year. This would have been my 5th year in a row running it, so I'm rather disappointed, but these things happen. My next "big" race will probably be the Cooper River Bridge Run. Hopefully, I'll be feeling better by then and I'll at least be in course PR shape. I'm not getting my hopes up about actual PR shape. But I do have a bone to pick with that race

Workout summary

  • Monday: Barre
  • Tuesday:  Run/walk with Macy dog - 1.1 miles (11:41 pace)
  • Wednesday: Barre
  • Thursday: Easy run - 3.08 miles (8:57 pace)
  • Friday: Off
  • Saturday: Barre
  • Sunday: Easy run - 4.16 miles (8:21 pace)

Total miles: 8.34
Runs: 3
Barre/strength: 3
Total workouts: 6

So anyway, my big workout news for the week was that I took Macy, our foster/trial adoption dog on a run with me. She was a bit confused and a little skittish (she's generally skittish), but she got the hang of it. We did a run/walk so she wouldn't get too tired, but we went just over a mile. I'd say that's pretty good for her first run! I'd love to run the Reindeer Run with her this year. That gives me almost a year to train with her, so I think she'll be able to do it. 

Because my health issues, all of my runs this week were very short and easy. Next week, I plan to run a few more days, but still in the easy zone. My coach is slowly ramping me back up and pulling me back if I feel too tired. I felt a tad bit stronger in barre classes and didn't tire quite as quickly as before, but running is still pretty difficult.  

Charleston got a little crazy this weekend and decided the temps needed to drop into the 20s with highs in the 30s. What? It was so cold and we even saw flurries on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I had to bundle up so much for a run. It was freezing and windy on Sunday, but I'm glad I didn't hibernate and got out for some easy miles. I'll be happy when the temps are a little more normal later this week, though. 

Other than workouts, my week consisted of getting back into the work groove after my nightmarish holiday break and attempting to get some semblance of decent sleep. I'd say I was pretty successful on both accounts. And my sweet Meadow dog is improving by the day and slowly returning to her spunky self. Yay for some sunshine peeking through those clouds!

I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippi Piddlin'  for their Weekly Wrap post. You can check out all of this week's posts here.

What you missed on the blog this week (I posted a few times, I'm hoping to keep this trend going):

This year, next year - 2016/2017 edition - my annual running recap and goals
Friday Five 2.0 Link up: 5 Insights from 2016
Around Charleston: 3 Reasons I love Barre Evolution (plus a discount code)

Oh, and come follow me on Instagram! I generally post more detailed workout recaps there on each workout than I do on the blog in my weekly recaps. 

User experience designer by day. Runner, blogger, artist, wanderluster by evening and weekend.

Race recap: Kiawah Island Half Marathon 2016


This year, next year - 2016/2017 edition