July goals: Mid-month check in
Welp. Here we are at more than halfway through July. So, I thought I'd check in on my July goals to see how I'm doing. Also, I'll apologize ahead of time for some of the tech nerdery going on in this post. I can't help it. It's what I do all day at work. But maybe getting a glimpse into my work life is fun for some people.
Anyway, here's where I'm at for July:
Lose 5 pounds
5 pounds gone. And I also lost 2% of body fat as well. Thanks, Fitbit Aria scale for the info. Now maybe it's time to get rid of another 5.
2 strength classes, 1 yoga, 5 runs per week
Eh. Not so great on this one. I'm giving myself some grace here, though. I've accomplished a lot of other things plus I still got in a bunch of workouts, even if they aren't the exact ones I planned.
Come August, it's go-time for really solid base building for about a month or so before ramping for fall (hopefully goal) races.
Drop our kayaks in the launch near our house and go for a paddle
Haven't done this yet. We'll see how the rest of the month goes. This one might be a rollover into August.
Finish the first section of the class I'm taking
I did it! It took a lot of late nights (up way past my bedtime), but I finished the first section, which was technically 3 classes.
I finally got through some coding classes, coded a site from scratch in a few hours (even if it doesn't completely match my initial design - yet), brushed up on the Command Line and Git/GitHub and pushed my site to a code repo on GitHub. And then launched it as a page on GitHub. It's definitely a work-in-progress (including some copy clean up needs), but now I've got version control and code backup thanks to Git and GitHub!
Two more sections of this program to go and then I'll be a development machine. Or at least the beginnings of one. Then I can move on to learning data science and industrial and environmental design. Yes!
I'm also taking a digital marketing class to brush up on all of that since it's changed a lot since I worked in marketing (and I find myself needing those skills now). Busy, yes. Diversifying, yes.
What my Sandbox GIthub site will eventually look like (at least the top part of it)
Finish my business plan and website for the new business I'm launching
This one morphed a little. Technically, there are two businesses - the one sort of launched itself (after years of hard work) and now I need to migrate it officially out of a sole proprietorship. The other business is still in the planning phase.
I'm doing okay on this goal, but may not have websites launched by the end of the month. I have some other things I need to do before launching the sites.
So that's that. 2 goals down, 3 to go. Not too bad considering everything else I've been doing as well.
How is your July going?