Weekly Recap - Fall Base Building Week 4 (8/28-9/3)

Hello, September! August ended with a bit of a bang in my personal life and a bit of a sputter in my running life. And now that September is here, it might as well be Christmas. Seriously. These last few months of the year from August through December are my favorite, but they are always so busy and go so fast.  

weekly recap

I'm still chugging along, but sadly, my August goals were a complete bust. Everything else got pushed to the wayside between work, travel, and a sick dog (more on that later), I just didn't have time for other things. I did post a blog post about why I run, though!

Workout summary

Monday Off
Tuesday Easy run - 5.02 miles @ 9:02 pace
Wednesday Run with friends - 3 miles @ 8:52 pace
Thursday Arm workout at home
Friday Easy run - 5 miles (no watch)
Saturday Arm workout at home
Sunday Bike ride - 8 miles
Totals 3 runs / 13.03 miles

The week started with me not feeling awesome from the lingering effects of the prior week's UTI. By the end of the week, that was gone, but my brain was so exhausted and it took my body along for the ride. On Saturday, all I wanted to do was nothing. 

On Wednesday's run, I took a nasty fall right at the end. I slipped on some wet road and fell pretty hard on my right side. I didn't have any major injuries, but I was stiff and sore, and my left ankle, which I twisted in the fall, was sore when I ran this week. My chiropractor said I was all out of alignment at my visit. Shocking. 

Covered in mud after my fall on Wednesday

Covered in mud after my fall on Wednesday

By mid-week, we also had a sick dog. We've been in and out of the vet with her for vomiting for about a month or so. It got really bad this week and she was losing weight. Turns out, our indiscriminate eater had an intestinal blockage (likely one of B's toys) and had to have emergency surgery. A stay at the pet hospital and several thousand dollars later, she's well and home, and extremely happy. 

So happy to have macy dog (middle) back home and well

So happy to have macy dog (middle) back home and well

So. This week did not go as planned, as is almost always the case. I worked with what I had and did what I could, as is also generally the case. And that's about all there is to say about that. 

How was your week? 

weekly wrap

This week, I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippi Piddlin'  (and guest host, Pretty Lil Mudder) for their Weekly Wrap post.

User experience designer by day. Runner, blogger, artist, wanderluster by evening and weekend.

The List: Fall Running Gear


Why I Run