Weekly recap (8/1-8/7): It's my birthday!
Last week was my birthday week - woohoo! Another year older, another year smarter? Fitter? Crazier? We'll go with that one.
Anyway, the antibiotics for my sinus infection kicked in fairly quickly so I was feeling mostly well by Monday, but I was still a bit tired. I also still had some sinus pain and pressure, but nothing like how I felt last week or over the weekend. Thank goodness, considering how awful I felt.
I didn't run much last week, except for a race on Thursday evening. My running mojo is sort of lagging right now and mentally, I needed the break before I launch into fall training, which starts ramping up now, so summer vacation is over.
Workout summary
- Monday:
- BodyFlow (am)
- Barre (pm)
- Tuesday: Off/sleep deprived
- Wednesday: BodyFlow
- Thursday: Hope for Haiti 5K (muddy trail tempo run/race in the heat - yeah!)
- Friday: Off
- Saturday: Barre Evolution event at LOFT (am)
- Sunday: Off (weird stomach issues)
Running miles: 3.1 miles
Total runs: 1
Barre/strength: 2
Yoga/BodyFlow: 2
Total workouts: 5
Monday I went to BodyFlow in the morning and the instructor came up to me after class to ask me about my yoga/dance experience because my lines and flexibility were "beautiful." Day made. Progress happening. In the evening, I went to barre class for some strength work (and to continue working on the flexibility thing). A good day for workouts!
Monday workouts - bodyflow + Barre
Even though I felt better, we had some sleep issues with B on Monday night into Tuesday. He woke up screaming at 1 a.m. and didn't go back to sleep until 5:30. Good. Times. Tuesday, I felt like a zombie. I put all my energy into getting some things done for work, but that was about all I had. Originally I planned on a run, but decided against it and took a rest day instead.
Wednesday I woke up to thunder, lightning and rain, so the morning paddleboarding session I planned was out. I headed to BodyFlow instead. I'm definitely glad I renewed my gym membership. It's been getting some good use already.
On Thursday, I ran the Hope for Haiti 5K, an evening trail race near my house. You can read the full recap here, but the condensed version is that it was my best (and fastest, though not particularly fast) race since May, despite it being a trail run with lots of roots and bumps. I'm hoping this marks the beginning of some better races for me.
Weekend fun!
Friday was my birthday and while I hadn't planned on taking the day off from workouts, it ended up happening. D, B and I went out for a delicious birthday dinner at The Granary and then bought some cupcakes at Cupcake Downsouth (it was my birthday, after all!).
Birthday Dinner + wearing Non-Workout gear
Birthday feast
So many cupcakes
Saturday morning, I went to a Barre Evolution event at LOFT. It was a free class at the store followed by a private shopping party (with a discount plus tax-free weekend!). I scored a slouchy sweater and a necklace. Although, it seems like sweater weather is so, so far away right now! After my workout, the family and I hit the pool to cool down a bit.
Barre at the LOFT + me in the Shirt Little B bought me for my birthday
Pool time
Beach time
Sunday I went to brunch with friends and then headed to the beach with family. My stomach was feeling funny all day (maybe I had too many cupcakes!) and I had planned to run some kind of long(Ish) run in the evening, but I just didn't feel up to it. So beach time it was, then some relaxing while watching the Olympics (yeah, gymnastics!).
So...yeah...not a whole lot of running this week, but it was a fun week with family and friends, and I still got some good strength work in. But now I need to knock it off with knocking off my running workouts because fall training starts now. And I need to find my motivation somewhere because I think I lost it on the side of the road somewhere back in April.
But here's to a new year and a new training season! May I stay sane, find my motivation, and get faster.
How do you get motivated to start training again after a string of really bad running and/or illness/injury? Anyone else watching the Olympics? What's your favorite event to watch?
I'm linking up with HoHoRuns and MissSippi Piddlin' for their Weekly Wrap post. You can check out all of this week's posts here.