Weekly workouts: Postpartum week 9

A few pretty cool things happened this week: I did a three mile run, I added a day of running bringing my total to three days, and I ran two consecutive miles on Saturday at a sub-10 minute pace. Improvements all around. I would have liked to have run longer on Sunday, especially since the weather was so beautiful with lower temps and less humidity, but I'm a little under the weather and need to visit a doctor, so I took it easy.

Saturday I started training for the James Island Connector Run 10k with Fleet Feet Mount Pleasant's 10k training group. We did our "long" run (two and a halfish miles) and despite the insane humidity, I survived (and clocked those two sub-10 minute miles). We have conditioning/speedwork on Tuesday, but I know I'm going to need to hold back. I'll probably just run at a reasonable pace around the track instead of really doing speedwork since I'm just not feeling up to it yet, and I'm not some elite runner who needs to worry about regaining speed right. this. second. Recovery takes time. I'm just glad to be back out there.

The week in workouts

  • Monday: BodyFlow
  • Tuesday: Run - 3.02 miles 
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: Fitness test + HIIT
  • Friday: Rest
  • Saturday: Run - 2.76 miles
  • Sunday: Run - 1.25 miles

Weekly mileage: 6.95 miles

Average pace: 10:39/mile

User experience designer by day. Runner, blogger, artist, wanderluster by evening and weekend.

August recap + weekly workouts (postpartum week 10)


21 Day Challenge for Change Recap