Family Tie-Dye Party
It really wouldn’t be summer 2020 without a little tie-dye fun, would it? Of course not.
Our shirts!
So over the weekend, we had our own family tie-dye party. I haven’t tie-dyed anything since the 90s, so I wasn’t sure how this would all go, but I’m pretty proud of our results. We each had two shirts each and B chose red, white, and blue for one of his, and rainbow swirl for another. I did a bit of coral/pink ombre on one of mine and a mix of green, blue, and purple on the other. D chose black and blue and then a smattering of other colors.
Before dyeing, B and I decided what patterns we wanted our shirts to be and I tied them all up with rubber bands. Then we got to work with our dye (B did his own!).
Letting the dye set on our shirts - we let them sit for about 14 hours. Next time I think I’ll let them sit a bit longer for more vibrant colors.
For our dye, we used Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye Kit for our shirts and it was so easy. The one step process is key, avoiding an extra step of soaking in a soda ash mixture. It was still really, really messy (we may have gotten a bit of dye on places that were not our shirts), but easy. I think I’m hooked on tie-dye now. Expect more in the near(ish) future.